The staff of the Meteor group

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Gorbanev Yury Michajlovich
(November 3, 1962)
PhD, Senior astronomer

He has graduated from Odessa University in 1985 with the speciality “Astronomer”. During his time of the PhD student-ship, his supervisor was Professor of the Astronomy Department E.N. Kramer. He has defended his PhD thesis (“The drift, accretion and orbit transformation of the interplanetary dust particles”) in 1997.
Since 2000 he is Senior astronomer.
At present he is responsible performer of the scientific research program on the meteor subject, and the head of the Me-teor group.

The main research interests: interplanetary dust, young meteor streams, physics of the meteor phenomena.

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Stogneeva Irina Alexandrovna
(September 1, 1969)
research astronomer

She has graduated from Odessa National University in 1997 year, and in the same year started to work at the Astronomi-cal observatory. Since 1999 she is researcher astronomer .

1997 year can be considered as a year of the Meteor group birth. Irina took active part in creating of the group actively. She took part in the preparing of expedition to Romania in 1999, and was directly observing there during the solar eclipse. She is the web-designer of this site. She is also experienced observer.

The main research interests: interplanetary dust, physics of the meteor phenomena, interaction between the meteor matter and Earth's atmosphere.

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Podlesnyak Sergei Vasil’evich
(April 6, 1956)

He has graduated from the Physical Faculty of the Odessa National University with speciality “Physics of the semicon-ductors and dielectrics”.

Since 1986 he has been working first in meteor department, then in the newly formed meteor group. He is and optician and mechanical engineer of the group. Most of the expedition equipment of the group and many observatory’s telescopes are created by his hands. During last years he was working on creation and modernization of the Schmidt telescope and 60-cm Richi-Chretien telescope. In addition the broad experience in technical works, he has good skills of the astronomi-cal observations. This helps him to create quite original astronomical devices. While preparing to the Romania expedition in 1999 to observe the total solar eclipse, he constructed all necessary astronomical instrumentation and then took part in the observation of that event.

According to the opinion of the group members he is “Kulibin” of the meteor group.

The main research interests: astronomical instrumentation, observations of the total solar eclipses.

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Knyaz’kova Elena Fedorovna
(April 14, 1980)
research astronomer

Lena joined the group in 1998, and immediately settled down to her duties. She has graduated from University with Hon-our Diploma. She is inquisitive, purposeful and hard-working researcher. She got an experience of several expeditions. She possesses a \wide scientific range of interests. The most of the software products used in the data processing were created with her participation. She is a good lecturer.

The main research interests: SOHO-comets, meteor young streams, genetic connection between meteor streams and small bodies of the Solar system.

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Golubaev Alexander Vladimirovich
(February 16, 1975)
research astronomer

He has graduated from Odessa National University in 2002 with the speciality “Astronomer”.

Starting from the first year of his education he began to carry out the scientific work. He has the most comprehensive as-tronomical practice among the young group members, and especially it concerns his observing skills. He is purposeful, persistent and hard-working researcher. He takes active part in the modernization and creation of the astronomical equipment.

He is responsible person for the meteor patrol at the Kryzhanovka observational station. He is a member of the observing group that carries out the video observations of the telescopic meteors on the regular base.

The main research interests: interplanetary dust, zodiacal light and gegenschein, anomalous effects accompanying lunar and solar eclipses, non-stationary phenomena on the Moon (unknown moving objects), meteor observations.

Kimakovskaya Irina Il’inichna
(February 10, 1979)
research astronomer

She has graduated from Odessa National University in 2001 with the speciality “Astronomer”.

She joined the meteor group while being the fourth-year student. She took part in two meteor-meteoritic expeditions to the dispersion ellipse of the Krymka meteorite event. She actively takes part in all studies of the meteor group on the physics of meteor phenomena and interaction between meteor dust and the Earth’s atmosphere. She is PhD student at present.

main research interests: physics of the meteor phenomena, meteor light curves.

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Kimakovski Sergej Rejmundovich
(August 12, 1980)
research astronomer

He has graduated from Odessa National University in 2002 with the speciality “Astronomer”.

He began to carry out his research studies within the meteor group while being a third-year student. He is a system administrator at the observational station of Kryzhanovka. He takes part in construction of the new astro-nomical instruments. He is a member of the observing group under the program of video telescopic observations at the Kryzhanovka station.

The main research interests: meteor observations, physics of the meteor phenomena

Shestopalov Vasily Alexandrovich
(August 6, 1981)
research astronomer

Vasily is a member of our meteor group beginning from his first year of the University education.

Being the student he took part in two meteor-meteoritic expeditions to the dispersion ellipse of the Krymka meteorite event and after that he took part also in naval expedition to the Zmeinij island where he carried out astronomical observa-tions without any assistance.

He is an initiator of the construction of the new astronomical equipment. He is a very responsible person. Vasily is clever and promising astronomer-observer, who at the same time has abilities as an inquisitive resercher. He is a member of the observing group under the program of video telescopic observations at the Kryzhanovka station.

main research interests: interaction between meteor dust of the meteor showers and the Earth’s atmosphere, astroclimate and twilight phenomena in the atmosphere.

Sarest Leonid Alexandrovich
(August 26, 1952)
engineer, specialist in radio-electronics

He has graduated from Odessa polytechnic institute with the speciality “Electro-accessory dive and automatization of the industrial plants”.

He joined us in 1998. First he came to observatory as amateur with results of the photographic observations of the comet Hale-Bopp. It turned out that he is very talented master in radio-electronics, and this circumstance plays a key role in his professional activity. He took active part in preparing and carrying out of the expeditionary work on the total solar eclipse in 1999, also he rendered valuable help in constructing of the instrument for the expedition to the Zmeinij Island.

He is experienced astronomer-observer.

main research interests: astronomical instrumentation and radio-electronics.
Other merits: he is a good teller.

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